Mars Landers

Mars landings

The red planet has been the target for many early missions as well as some very recent ones. Mars landings are notoriously difficult as there is a lack of significant atmosphere. This means that one requires a parachute much larger than one would require on Earth to reach the same terminal velocity. However, the atmosphere is thick enough to require some form of thermal protection to prevent the vehicle from burning up. As of 2020, only nine of the 19 flown missions landed safely. Especially in the early days, many missions failed to land. Recently China became the fourth nation to land a mission on Mars after the Russians, US and Europe. This page gives an overview of the missions that landed on Mars, for sample return such as the upcoming missions or the attempted Phobos Grunt mission please check our Sample return page


Family picture of Martian parachutes and aeroshell

Comparison of Mars Landers

Multiple countries or organisations have performed Mars missions. The first hard and soft landing were performed by the soviet union with Mars 2 and Mars 3 missions in 1971. The first long term successful mission was the US Viking mission in 1975. ESA became the third organisation to reach Mars with Beagle 2 and Schiaparelli both failing during landing.







2MV-3 No.1

Soviet Union



Failure - Never left LEO

Mars 2

Soviet Union



Powered landing

Failure - Landing

Mars 3

Soviet Union



Powered landing

Partial success, EDL succesfull

Mars 6

Soviet Union



Powered landing

Failure - EDL

Mars 7

Soviet Union



Powered landing

Failure - Transit

Viking 1




Powered landing


Viking 2




Powered landing


Mars 96



Parachute, inflatable decelerator

Propulsive landing (?) and penetrator


Mars Pathfinder






Mars Polar Lander




Powered landing

Failure - Landing

Deep space 2





Failure - Landing

Beagle 2





Failure - Post landing

Mars Exporation Rovers










Powered landing






Sky crane






Powered landing

Failure - Landing





Powered landing






Sky crane






Powered landing

In orbit, awaiting landing

Exomars 2020




Powered landing


MARS program

Operator: Soviet Union

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  1960 - 1973

Status:  Retired

The MARS program was a soviet union space program to reach the red planet. The first launch occurred in 1960 with the Mars 1M spacecraft. The first successful hard landing was the Soviet Mars 2 landing on the 19th of May 1971, followed by the first soft landing of Mars 3 ten days later. Both Mars 2 and 3 missions used the Mars 4M spacecraft.  Mars 3, unfortunately, operated only shortly and did not provide scientific data. Mars 2/3 also carried the first Mars rovers, both never deployed. The Mars 4M spacecraft used parachutes for deceleration followed by a propulsive landing. A second set of rocket motors were used to push the parachute away from the lander to ensure it did not cover the lander. 

No other Soviet Mars landers landed successfully. Below is an overview of the Mars spacecraft with the number of launches and the mission designations. 


NR of launches




Carrier rocket

Mars 1M


Failed to reach orbit

650 kg

Molniya rocket

Mars 2MV


Mars 1

One failed in transit two stuck in LEO

900 kg

Molniya rocket

Mars 2M


Failed during launch

2000 kg


Mars 4M


Mars 2

Mars 3

Mars 2 hard landing

Mars 3 soft landing

3440 kg orbiter

1210 kg lander


Mars 3MS


Mars 4

Mars 5

Mars 4 failed to orbit

Mars 5 succesfull orbiter

2270 kg 


Mars 3MP


Mars 6

Mars 7

Mars 6 failed during landing

Mars 7 failed in transit

3260 kg


Several soviet missions were never flown. The first are were the Mars 4NM and 5NM landers which would launch onboard the N1 booster. The 4NM mission would deploy heavier Mars landers or Marsokhod rovers. And the 5NM mission would perform a Martian sample return. The capsule would be about 20 tons and would send a 13 kg capsule back to earth. To help decelerate the capsule would deeply a deployable heat shield of 30 panels. This increased the diameter of the capsule from 6.5m to 11m. The final landing would be done using a propulsive landing system. The missions were never flown as the N1 rocket system failed to reach orbit.

The last Mars mission was the Mars 5M, which was redesigning the Mars 4NM and 5NM landers using the more reliable Proton rockets. Two Protons would carry an 8500 kg lander to Mars and a third would carry the sample return vehicle. The sample return capsule would crash on earth without a parachute system to keep the design as simple as possible. 


Operator: NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  1976

Status:  Succesfull

NASA Viking program aimed at launching 4 spacecraft to Mars in the 1970s. They consisted of 2 identical spacecraft, each with one orbiter and one lander. These would become the first successful landings on Mars in 1976. note the Russian Mars 2 did successfully land on Mars but failed shortly after landing. Viking thus became the first successful Mars science mission. Originally NASA proposed a different mission for the first Mars landings, derived from the Apollo modules launched on top of the Saturn V rocket. This project was called Voyager and was later modified into the successful Voyager deep space missions. After concluding that Mars’ atmosphere is very tenuous, this idea was scrapped and ultimately replaced by the Viking program.


Both spacecraft were launched a month apart in 1975 on top a Titan IIIE-Centaur and reached Mars a similar period apart almost a year later. The orbiter sections of the full spacecraft were initially tasked with photographing the surface to find a suitable landing spot. Once this was selected the spacecrafts separated, with the lander initiating its EDL sequence with a de-orbit burn. Once it bled off enough velocity to the aerodynamic friction the parachute deployed around 6 kilometres above the surface and with a velocity of around 900 kilometers per hour. This was swiftly followed by the jettison of the aeroshell and the deployment of the landing legs.

The parachute alone was not enough to slow down the lander inside the thin atmosphere to a safe touch down velocity. The terminal velocity underneath the parachute was around 60m/s, too high to be considered a soft landing. About 1,5 kilometres of the surface the lander fired its retrorockets and detached from the parachute. The retrorockets allowed for a slow and soft landing, around 2,4m/s, on the surface of Mars both for Viking 1 and Viking 2.

Viking lander with Carl Sagan from the show "Cosmos, a personal Voyage" showing the size of the lander

Viking lander with Carl Sagan from the show "Cosmos, a personal Voyage" showing the size of the lander

Realizing that the atmosphere at Mars is much thinner than Earth, the EDL engineers had to develop a new parachute that could handle these never-before-seen conditions. Since the density of Mars’ atmosphere is only around 1% compared to Earth, aerodynamic deceleration would be considerably less and thus the lander’s velocity is much higher at parachute deployment. It would in fact be so high that engineers had to figure out what kind of parachute could survive supersonic deployment conditions. What they ended up with was a 16m diameter, 204 square meter, Disk-Gap-Band parachute, a type that would fly on every single Mars lander since then. In August 1972 NASA tested this new concept at the New Mexico’s White Sands Missile Range, by dropping a test vehicle from a balloon, accelerating it to supersonic conditions and deploying the parachute [see figure]. This test confirmed the parachute can function up to the desired conditions needed for a Mars landing and this design was thus successfully implemented in not only the Viking program but every NASA Mars lander since.


Operator: Soviet Union

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  1996

Status:  Failed in LEO

The Mars 96 mission was based on the Phobos 1 and 2 probes. Unfortunately, the Mars 96 mission failed in LEO and never reached Mars. If successful the mission would mostly still be one of the most ambitious missions to date. The program consisted of an orbiter, two surface stations and two penetrators. The surface stations would decelerate through the atmosphere and deploy a parachute at an altitude of 19.1 km altitude. Then at 17.9km, the airbags would inflate. The penetrators would be spun up for stability and use a solid rocket motor to enter the atmosphere. A small inflatable braking device would be deployed ensuring only part of the penetrator would enter the surface. The remainder remains on the surface to help with communication with the orbiter. 

Mars 96 lander before flight

Mars Pathfinder

Operator: NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  1996

Status:  Successful, completed

After the two successful Viking spacecraft, Mars Pathfinder was the second lander mission from the US that was sent to Mars. Launched in 1996 the vehicle successfully landed on Mars in July 1997, consisting of the lander part and Sojourner, the first rover on Mars. Its predecessor used multiple systems in succession to ensure a safe landing on Mars, namely an aeroshell, supersonic parachute and retrorockets. Pathfinder used these systems too, but added an airbag system for the final leg of the flight.

After it entered the Mars atmosphere from a hyperbolic trajectory, it used the aeroshell to bleed off its velocity from 6.1km/s to just 0.37km/s. From this point, the supersonic disk-gap band was deployed to slow down the lander to around 70m/s. The parachute was 12.7m in diameter and consisted of 32 gores, making it smaller than the Viking parachutes. Viking followed a similar profile up to point and used retrorockets to slow down it until touchdown, Pathfinder had an additional airbag system attached to the lander. This airbag pack deployed while it was suspended from the backshell, where the retro thrusters were located.

The spacecraft was brought to a stop around 20 meters above the surface. At this point the lander detached from the backshell, which flew away and crashed, and used its airbags to come to a safe landing on the surface. The drop from the backshell led to an impact of 18G upon contact and the airbags continued to bounce along the surface for at least 15 bounces. Whereas the most recent Mars landings experienced about 7 minutes of EDL activities, from re-entry to touchdown, Pathfinder completed this in just 4 minutes.

Airbags used for the Mars Pathfinder

Airbags used for the Mars Pathfinder

Mars Polar lander

Operator: NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  1999

Status:  Failed during landing

The Mars Polar Lander (MPL) was the fourth lander designed by NASA to fly to Mars and the first one to fail the entry, descent and landing phase. As the name suggests the spacecraft was supposed to t on Mars’ Polar region, more specifically the South Pole.


The EDL profile for this mission started with an entry velocity of 6.9 km/s at 125 km above the surface. The first part of the re-entry would use its heat shield to slow down. This was an ablative heatshield measuring 2.4 m in diameter and was used to bleed off the majority of the speed. Roughly 9 km above the surface the main parachute was fired from a mortar while the spacecraft travelled about 500 m/s. This parachute was only used for a minute to slow down to 80 m/s after which the Mars Polar Lander would separate from the backshell and parachute, about 1.3 km above the surface. The last stage of EDL was a powered descent phase using thrusters to slow the vehicle down to a complete stop about 12 meters above the ground. At this point, the engines were cut off and the vehicle would fall the remainder of the way.

Before re-entry began, the lander separated from the cruise stage, which cut-off direct communication with the lander and was not planned to reconnect until after a successful landing around 6 hours later. When contact with the lander was unsuccessful, the Mars Polar Lander was declared crashed and lost. Despite decades of footage from orbiters around Mars taking detailed images of every corner of the planet, the exact whereabouts of this lander is still unknown. No debris or EDL subsystems have been able to be located on images despite some promising leads over the years. The investigation into the failure did produce a likely scenario about the lost lander. The most probable failure was the premature shutdown of the thrusters in the last stage of EDL. This shutdown would have been triggered by a software error that mistakenly identified vibrations as a signal for a touchdown, therefore shutting down its engines much earlier and much higher above the surface, leading to a high-speed impact, above the design limitations of the lander.

MPL crash site seen from space

Mars Polar Lander crash site seen from space

Deep Space 2

Operator: NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  1999

Status:  Failed before landing

The deep space 2 mission was a piggyback mission on the ill-fated Mars Polar Lander. The mission had no parachute and would impact the surface of Mars. After impact, a part of the lander would shoot into the surface to analyse the Martian Subsurface. There were two probes, named Scott and Amundsen for redundancy reasons. It is somewhat unknown what happened to the mission. From the records, it can be seen that is separated successfully from MPL, but no contact was established afterwards. It could be that the probes did not survive impact landed wrongly and could not establish contact or that the landing site was too rocky. 

Beagle 2

Operator:  United Kingdom

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2003

Status:  Failed after landing

Beagle 2 was a British-made Mars lander that was transported by the European Space agency’s Mars Express orbiter in 2003. Once detached from the orbiter craft descended into the Martian atmosphere. Once the vehicle had completed its initial deceleration a mortar is used to deploy a disc-gap-band drogue parachute which decelerated the vehicle from roughly Mach 1.5  to between Mach 0.4 and 0.6 at an altitude of 2.6km above the Martian surface. At this point the rear aeroshell is jettisoned and pulled away from the vehicle by the drogue parachute. The main parachute was stored within the aeroshell and thus as it was pulled away the main parachute was deployed. The front heat shield was subsequently jettisoned and radar used to determine the vehicles altitude. At a height of 280m above the terrain two airbags were inflated to cushion the landing.

Beagle 2 used a 27 gore 10.2m diameter ring sail parachute with an estimated drag coefficient of  0.92. This parachute was initially smaller however following tests in May 2002 of the airbag system it was determined that a lower landing velocity would be required in order to guarantee their reliable operation. The team therefore had to redesign a larger parachute that had the same weight and packing volume as the original in just 5 months. This timeline is virtually unheard of in these types of missions and required the production of the parachute to start before the material testing campaign had been completed.

Beagle 2 was scheduled was to land on the surface of Mars on December 25th 2003 attempts to contact the vehicle after landing were unsuccessful after multiple attempts to contact it the probe was declared lost on the 6th February 2004. For a long time, the fate of Beagle 2 remained a mystery until in early 2015 the beagle landing site was photographed by NASA's Mars reconnaissance orbiter showing that unfortunately two of the vehicles 4 deployable solar panels had not successfully unfolded. This had the effect of blocking the transmitter of the vehicle preventing it from communicating. While it was unfortunate that the vehicle was unable to complete its mission these images confirmed that the entry descent and landing systems had all functioned correctly and therefore it became the first British mission to successfully land on another planet. [70, 71, 72, 73]

Beagle 2 landing sequence

Beagle 2 EDL sequence (click to enlarge)

Mars Exploration Rover

Operator:  United States

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2003

Status: Completed

The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity were two small rovers delivered on Mars in 2003. The identical rovers were launched on top of a Delta II rocket. The landers used a combination of parachutes and airbags to bounce to a safe landing. The rovers had a planned operational life of 90 days but lasted much longer. Spirit lasted for more than 6.5 years where Opportunity lasted for more than 15 years.

The landing system of the MER missions used a 14.1-meter disk gap band parachute to decelerate the vehicle to subsonic velocities. After this, the rover was lowered, the airbags inflated and the break rockets fired. The four large solid motors delivered about 10 kN of thrust and burned about 4 seconds.  The Vectran airbags were the same type as used on the Mars Pathfinder lander. There was an offset in the centre of mass of the lander,  increasing the odds of an upright landing. If the rover would land unside down, the computer would detect this and the sides of the vehicle would push it upright. 

Phoenix lander

Operator:  United States

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2007

Status: Completed

The story of the Phoenix lander starts before it was named the Phoenix lander. The lander started as the 2001 Mars Surveyor lander. But after the Mars polar lander failed, there would not be enough time to perform the failure analysis before the launch of the Mars Surveyor lander. Therefore the Mars surveyor lander was cancelled and shelved. In 2003 a new Mars polar lander program was started, and the shelved Mars Surveyor lander was repurposed. The scientific instruments were changed, along with some small changes in the communication and radar system. Also aptly is was renamed Phoenix[78,79,80].

The Phoenix lander would eventually launch in August 2007 and landed on the Martian arctic in May of 2008 [1,2]. The goals of the Phoenix Mars Lander were to study the history of water in the Martian arctic, search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biological potential of the ice-soil boundary [77]. The 570kg lander, including the back shell and heatshield, would start the entry into the Martian atmosphere at 5.6 km/s [78,79]. It would not be using any active guidance during the hypersonic phase, opposed to previous missions. This was done because the chosen landing site was relatively benign, and the associated cost for testing the system was too high [78].

The Phoenix lander used a two-stage system consisting of a parachute for the first stage and a thruster system for the final stage and the landing[2,3]. The parachute was an 11.73 m diameter Viking heritage bisk-gap-band (DGB) parachute[78]. It would be deployed by a mortar at 12.9 km at Mach 1.64 and decelerate the lander to 56 m/s [78,79]. Following the parachute phase, the back shell with a parachute would be detached, and the lander would use thrusters to do the final 940m until landing with a velocity of 0.7 m/s[78,79].

Render of Phoenix landing on Mars

Phoenix during landing


Operator:  NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2011

Status: Succesful, ongoing

After the successful landing on Spirit and Opportunity in 2004, NASA was looking into landing a much larger rover. Where the MER rovers were about 300 kg, the new one would be about 1000 kg. This required a significantly different EDL system. The increase in mass means an increase in parachute diameter, but also put more requirements on the landing system. Where the other landers would use an airbag system, this would be too heavy for the Mars Science laboratory. Alternatively, a pallet style landing system using a crushable structure and a rocket motor would be an option. This would also be too heavy or the decelerations upon impact would be too high.

The final configuration chosen was the now-famous Sky crane. This meant that the lander would hover at a stable altitude while ropes would lower the rover. At first instance, this seems like a crazy concept that should never have been chosen. However, at a deeper glance, the sky crane has several major advantages.

  • The sky crane only has two parts attached to each other instead of three as with earlier landers
  • There is no cratering of a rocket motor during landing
  • The propulsive flight allows for more control over the landing reducing the landing ellipse

Schiaparelli EDM

Operator:  ESA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2016

Status: Failed

The Schiaparelli Entry, Descent and Landing demonstrator module (EDM) was a mission designed to test the technology required to perform a soft landing on the Martian surface as part of the European space agency’s ExoMars project. The vehicle was carried to Mars by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Given that the vehicles primary aim was to test Entry, Descent and Landing technology the vehicle carried limited instrumentation that was primarily aimed at characterising and performing measurements on Mars’s atmosphere.


The vehicle was intended to decelerate initially using the body drag of the vehicle before deploying a 12m disc-gap-band parachute at an altitude of 11km above the surface. This parachute was intended to decelerate the vehicle from 470m/s to around 70m/s which point the heat shield would detach followed shortly after by the back cover of the aeroshell with the parachute attached. The vehicle would then use three sets of hydrazine thrusters to decelerate the vehicle for the final 1.2km of its descent. At a radar altitude of 2m above the ground, the engines would be cut allowing the vehicle to freefall using crust structures to absorb the remaining energy.

The vehicle separated from the Trace Gas Orbiter as planned on the 6th October 2016 and began its 3-day coast towards Mars. However, telemetry from the vehicle was unexpectedly lost shortly before the planned landing time. Through the use of live telemetry data and images taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, it was possible to reconstruct the fate of Schiaparelli. The vehicle entered the atmosphere on time as expected and the parachute then deployed correctly. However inertial measurements showed much larger than expected rotation rates during the parachute descent. These high rotation rates exceeded the measurement range of the Inertial Measurement Unit resulting in saturation. The saturation of the IMU led the vehicle to give a large error in its altitude estimation resulting in the computer believing that it was below the surface. The aeroshell along with the parachute was jettisoned and the thrusters fired for just 3 seconds rather than the planned 30 seconds at which point the vehicle activated its ground instruments. Schiaparelli had not however landed successfully and was still at an altitude of 3.7km. The vehicle impacted the surface of Mars with a velocity of over 150m/s. Although the vehicle was lost is demonstrated that all the hardware worked successfully and demonstrated some key software tweaks that would be required for future Mars landers and therefore the main goals of the mission were met and the lessons learnt from Schiaparelli EDM will allow future missions to land successfully.

Render of Schiaparelli on Mars

Schiaparelli during final landing phase


Operator:  NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2018

Status: Succesful

Insight was a small lander inspired by the Phoenix structure. The main goal of the mission was to study the inside of the red planet and provide insight into its internal structure.  The resemblance to the Phoenix lander can be seen in both the aeroshell and the parachute, which are both identical in size. Over the mission, time InSight measured several Marsquakes and took sound recordings of the Martian wind. 


Operator:  NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2007

Status: Succesful, ongoing

After the successful landing on curiosity, NASA JPL attempted to do the same thing with a new rover that resembled Curiosity quite a bit. The new rover, Perseverance, was slightly heavier but about the same size. This meant that the parachute would be slightly bigger, but the same sky crane design would be kept. However, this time the sky crane would incorporate a terrain relative navigation system. This allowed the lander to avoid hazards such as rocks during the landing. Something earlier rovers could not do. Perseverance also used a range tricker over a velocity trigger for the parachute deployment. Where Curiosity deployed the parachute when it was going a certain preprogrammed velocity, Perseverance deployed the parachute at a certain location, decreasing the landing ellipse.  

Perseverance was also the first Mars mission with a camera set focussing on the landing. Several cameras were pointed at the parachute inflation and on the sky crane lowering the rover to the surface.  This marked the first time images of a Martian parachute in flight were taken. 


Operator:  CASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2021

Status: Succesful, ongoing

Tianwen-1 is China’s first independent interplanetary mission seeing China become the third nation ever successfully to land a vehicle on Mars. The mission, launched on top of a Long March 5 rocket on the 23rd July 2020, consisted of an orbiter and a descent module carrying the Zhurong rover. The decent module reached the Martian surface on the 14th May 2021 after studying potential landing sites for three months from orbit. The vehicle entered Mars’s atmosphere and initially decelerated using its heat shield in a fixed angle of attack configuration. Once the vehicle had slowed sufficiently to Mach 2.8 it deployed a trim wing allowing it to better control its angle of attack allowing it to orient itself for parachute deployment as well as helping to guide it to the landing site. At an altitude of roughly 10km while travelling at Mach 1.8 the vehicle deployed a disc-gap band main parachute. During the parachute descent phase, the vehicle jettisoned its heat shield and decelerated to the velocity and altitude such that the final powered descent could be accomplished within the propellant budget. The back cover and the parachute are jettisoned, and the single decent engine is ignited. The vehicle decelerates before reaching a hover to complete final avoidance manoeuvres and ultimately complete a soft, powered landing. Once the vehicle had landed, the rover can drive off the decent vehicle using a ramp. [89]

Tianwen-1 on Mars

Picture of Tianwen-1 rover and lander on Mars

ExoMars 2028

Operator:  ESA, Roscosmos

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  2028

Status:  Planned

The European/Russian ExoMars mission was originally planned for 2018 but postponed due to several reasons. The lander weighs about 1100 kg making it heavier than the Schiaparelli EDM mission launched in 2016. The lander consists of the Russian Kazachok surface platform and the European Rosalind Franklin rover. The parachute system, designed in Europe consists of four parachutes. A supersonic disk gap band with a supersonic pilot chute and a large subsonic main parachute with a dedicated pilot chute. After the parachute phase, the lander decouples from the parachutes and flies to the landing location using retrorockets. When the whole combination is close to the ground an airbag is deployed for the final landing. This entire EDL system is significantly more complex than other Mars landers such as Perseverance. The mission is currently on hold and uncertain after ESA cancelled the cooperation after the invasion of Ukraine. 

Mars Sample Return - Earth Entry Vehicle

Operator:  NASA

Target:   Mars

Landing date:  NA

Status:  In development 

The Mars Sample Return mission has a lot of phases. First, the sample needs to be collected and then launched into space from the Martian surface. It needs to travel between two planets, and finally, when it has reached Earth, the sample needs to re-entre and land. This last phase is performed with the Earth Entry Vehicle (EEV).

Where usually, entry vehicles are complicated systems with multiple deceleration systems and deployment systems, which increase the mass and complexity of a system. For the EEV, the goal was to make things as reliable as possible to avoid possible contamination of the sample. So to achieve this reliability, all active systems were removed from the “normal” entry system [95,96]. That means no parachutes, no control system, no thrusters, not even electronics. Everything is done passively [95].

The design that follows from this is a 16cm diameter spherical sample container to hold 0.5 kg of Mars samples [95]. The sphere sits in a 0.9m diameter blunt body that acts as a heat shield and a separate debris/meteoroid shield around the entire vehicle [95,96]. The whole vehicle would weigh only 44kg [95]. The shape it has makes sure that even if the EEV would start upside down, with an angle of attack of 180 degrees, it would right itself before the entry heat pulse. The EEV would be expected to start entry at 12km/s and land with a terminal velocity of 41 m/s [95,96]. The maximum deceleration that is expected during the flight is 130g during entry [95].

Because the entire system is launched from Mars in order to avoid any Martian dust sticking to the side of the EEV when entering Earth, the whole craft is sterilized during entry. This means all surfaces must reach a temperature of at least 500C [95]. The landing system, if you can call it that, consists of an energy-absorbing structure at the bottom of the vehicle. It is resin-impregnated Kevlar and carbon walls braced by carbon foam. This would limit the impact deceleration below 2500g-3500g.